What's so wrong with the yucky-ingredient containing deodorant/antiperspirant? Oh, I'm so glad you asked. Let's see here, let me go check with good ol' Dr. Mercola. He'll surely have a thorough, frenzy producing answer for you...
Ah, yes, here we go: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2007/09/20/does-your-antiperspirant-cause-breast-cancer.aspx
So basically deodorants and antiperspirants containing aluminum and parabens are linked to breast cancer and alzheimer's disease. Awesome!
Well, never fear because I have finally found a natural deodorant solution that ACTUALLY WORKS. I am beyond excited!
Here we go:
1. Roll on Herbal Magic deodorant:
2. After the Herbal Magic dries, sprinkle some Honeybee Gardens deodorant powder on top of that:

3. Face the world with confidence:
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